- Indian Prairie School District #204
- Archived Information
- District Needs
Facility Needs & Proposed Improvements
How many school buildings are in IPSD 204?
IPSD 204 is comprised of 35 buildings, including 21 elementary schools, 7 middle schools, 3 high schools, a freshman center for Neuqua Valley High School, an alternative high school, a preschool/administrative center, and a building that is beyond its useful life.
How old are the District’s school buildings?
The District’s 35 school buildings range in age from 15 to 57 years old, with half of them built around 35 years ago.
Has the District properly maintained its school buildings?
Yes. IPSD 204 properly maintains and repairs its buildings. However, there are major capital improvements associated with aging and outdated infrastructure that need to be addressed to extend the life of the schools and protect these important community assets.
What specific capital facility improvements would be addressed?
The bond referendum would address the following capital improvements:
Districtwide security upgrades, including the addition of secure entry vestibules, access controls, intrusion detection systems, and surveillance equipment.
Districtwide infrastructure improvements tied to air quality, building systems, roofing, health/life safety, site upgrades, and energy efficiency.
Renovation of schools to provide quality learning spaces districtwide, including the comprehensive renovation of Waubonsie Valley High School, Hill Middle School, and Gregory Middle School; reconfiguring Neuqua Valley High School to reintegrate freshmen; and expanding elementary school instructional space on the north side of the District.
- Operational efficiency improvements, including repurposing the Birkett Freshman Center and decommissioning the underutilized Wheatland and Indian Plains buildings.
Would the proposed improvements address the need for elementary instructional space on the north side of the District?
Yes. The plan calls for additional elementary school instructional spaces. However, a new school would not be needed.
Would any new schools be built using the proceeds from the bond referendum?
No new schools would be constructed. The proposed capital improvements are focused on repairs, renovations, and a few additions.
Does the proposed plan include closing any schools?
None of the District’s current school buildings would be closed. However, to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs, the Wheatland and Indian Plains buildings would be decommissioned. Additionally, the proposed improvements would enable freshmen to move from the Birkett Center into Neuqua Valley High School. This would allow both the STEPS transition program and Gail McKinzie High School to be relocated to the Birkett Center.
How were budgets for the referendum amount determined? What are the budgets for the major projects?
The District’s Master Facility Plan, which was adopted by the Board of Education in December 2023, includes cost estimates prepared by architects, engineers and security professionals. The total cost to fully implement the plan is approximately $800 million. Cost estimates follow established practices for construction cost estimating and include overhead, contingencies and management costs.
The District identified the highest priority items from the plan to develop the referendum. These were safety and security, infrastructure needs, comprehensive improvements at Waubonsie Valley High School, Hill Middle School, and Gregory Middle School, and investing in improvements that will drive operating efficiencies. Neuqua Valley is also anticipated to need significant improvements to infrastructure that is nearing its end of life.
The budgets associated with each priority item is as follows:
Districtwide safety and security upgrades - $50 million
Districtwide LED lighting and ceiling replacements - $16 million
Districtwide Infrastructure Improvements - $54 million
Waubonsie Valley High School, Comprehensive Improvements - $125 million
Hill Middle School, Comprehensive Improvements - $40 million
Gregory Middle School, Comprehensive Improvements - $45 million
Neuqua Valley High School, Comprehensive Improvements - $90 million