Inspire all students to achieve their greatest potential
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The Indian Prairie Educational Foundation (IPEF) and District 204 proudly honor Pat Brusveen, a Business teacher and men’s golf coach at Metea Valley School, with the February A+ Award.
Parents across Illinois once again have an opportunity to participate in the annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey.
Join us on Wednesday, February 26 at Spring Brook Elementary for Coffee & Conversation!
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM MIOSM Concert #5
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM P3 Coalition Meeting
8:15 PM - 9:15 PM MIOSM Concert #6
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Student Support Day - Student Dismissal
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM Jazz Ensemble Concert
8:15 PM - 9:15 PM Jazz Ensemble Concert
End of Quarter
End of Quarter 3