• e-Learning Information

    For the 2024-25 school year, District 204 will continue to follow the 3-year e-Learning program that was approved by the board of education at their August 22, 2022 meeting, and goes through 2025. E-Learning days are district-wide days that permit student instruction to be received remotely while students are not physically present in lieu of the district's scheduled emergency days. 

    In the event that two consecutive e-Learning days would occur, the first day would be asynchronous learning and the second day would be synchronous as follows.

    Day 1 

    • Superintendent determines that an emergency closing is necessary and utilizes an e-Learning day 

      • All assignments posted on Google Classroom or emailed to students 

      • Staff available by email or through Google Classroom for questions, concerns, or assistance 

    Day 2 

    • If the Superintendent decides that an additional consecutive day of e-Learning will take place: 

      • Students and staff will follow the e-Learning schedule that includes synchronous opportunities for check-in, office hours, and/or instruction 

    Preschool students are not provided devices for home use and will be given activities to complete during e-Learning days. Since kindergarten and first grade students do not take their devices home everyday, the type of activities will depend on whether or not they were directed to bring their devices home. If they do not have their devices at home, their second day will look similar to their first day. If they do have devices at home, they will follow the schedule below on the second day.

    If severe weather would prevent our schools from opening, we will announce an e-Learning day the same way we have informed you in the past of weather related school closings. The announcement will be made by 6 am and posted on our district homepage. We will also make a 204 Connect phone call to alert you of the information.

    Please see the below FAQ (scroll to bottom of page) for additional information.

    When will District 204 use an e-Learning day? 

    The district may use an e-Learning day when school is closed due to inclement weather. If the superintendent announces that schools are closed, a determination will be made if the district is utilizing an e-Learning day or an emergency day. If an emergency day is used, no e-Learning will be implemented, and the day will be made up at the end of the school year. If an e-Learning day is used, a continuation of learning is expected, and the day will not be added to the end of the school year.

    How will students and parents be notified if an e-Learning day will be used? 

    Parents and students will be notified just as they have been informed in the past of weather related school closings. The announcement will be made by 6 am and posted at www.ipsd.org. The district will also make a 204 Connect phone call to alert you of the information. 

    What will it look like for students? 

    Student work on the first day should be completely independent. If a student is expressing difficulty, they should email the teacher for assistance. Flexibility will be provided for assignment due dates when appropriate. The total amount of assigned work should take no longer than five hours for completion. For students receiving special education, flexibility will be given to those students who may have difficulty working independently. Students will not be penalized for incomplete work due to the lack of adult support. 

    On the second consecutive day, and any subsequent consecutive days, synchronous and asynchronous sessions will be provided. Synchronous sessions will be provided through Google Meets. Students will join Google Meets through their Google classrooms. At K-1, links will be emailed if no Google classroom is set up. The sample schedules are below. Schools will send home their exact schedules.

    Sample Schedules

    Elementary School:





    Type of Instruction

    9:00 - 9:15

    Check-In/Class Meeting

    Check-In/Class Meeting

    Check-In/Class Meeting


    9:15 - 10:00

    Support on Choice Board

    ELA/SS/Science Focus

    ELA/SS/Science Support

    Specials Choice


    10:05 - 10:50

    Independent work on
    choice board specials
    activity (asynchronous)

    Specials Choice

    Math Support 



    Support on Choice
    Board Math Focus


    Math Support/Check-out

    ELA/SS/Science Support



    11:40 - 12:20





    12:20 - 2:40

    Independent Work

    Independent Work

    Independent Work


    Middle School:



    Type of Instruction

    8:00 - 8:20

    Period 1


    8:25 - 8:40

    Period 2


    8:45 - 9:00

    Period 3


    9:05 - 9:20

    Period 4


    9:25 - 9:40

    Period 5


    9:45 - 10:00

    Period 6


    10:05 - 10:20

    Period 7


    10:25 - 10:40

    Period 8


    10:45 - 11:00

    Period 9


    11:00 - 3:00

    Independent Work


    High School:



    Type of Instruction

    7:25 - 7:45

    Period 1


    7:50 - 8:10

    Period 2


    8:15 - 8:35

    Period 3


    8:40 - 9:00

    Period 4


    9:05 - 9:25

    Period 5


    9:30 - 9:50

    Period 6


    9:55 - 10:15

    Period 7


    10:20 - 10:40

    Period 8


    10:40 - 2:25

    Independent Work



FAQ: E-Learning Day

  • What happens if my child needs assistance?

  • When will e-Learning day assignments be posted?

  • What if we don’t have Internet access at our home?

  • What do I do if I have technology-related questions during an e-learning day?

  • How will attendance be taken?

  • How will the e-learning day impact after-school activities?

  • Do e-learning days have to be made up at the end of the school year?

  • Are there other days when the district would consider the use of an e-Learning Day?

  • Updated 1/8/25