Letter from the Coordinator of Health Services

  • Dear Parent/Guardian: 

    Welcome to Indian Prairie School District.

    The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the health examination and immunization requirements in Illinois and the policy of the school district.

    Indian Prairie School District will follow the mandates of the Illinois Department of Public Health with regard to required immunizations for our students. 

    • Students entering preschool, kindergarten, sixth, and ninth grades, and new students to the district, must present proof of the required state of Illinois physical examination and immunizations.  The student history portion of the examination form must be completed and signed by the parent. If this is not completed, the student will be excluded from school on October 15, 2024.  Out-of-state physical examinations written on approved forms, which meet current state of Illinois requirements, are acceptable if they are less than one year old.
    • An out-of-state transfer student may, at the time of registration, provide an appointment card showing these requirements will be completed within thirty days.  At the end of the thirty-day period, if the completed documents are not submitted to the health office, the student will be excluded from school.
    • All students entering kindergarten, second, sixth, and ninth grade are required to present proof of an oral health examination completed by a licensed dentist.  This will be due prior to May 15th of that academic year.
    • A vision examination is required of all students entering kindergarten or enrolling in an Illinois public school for the first time.  Written proof of having been examined by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches or a licensed optometrist will be required.
    • All students entering grades six through twelve must show proof of receiving the meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
    • Students, who were enrolled last school year in District 204, should not need a new physical exam unless he/she is entering kindergarten or grade six or nine.  Returning students who need immunization(s) will receive individual letters notifying the parent of the immunization(s) needed. The DuPage (630-682-7400) and Will (815-727-8480) County Health Departments offer immunizations at their clinics for a nominal fee. Please contact them directly to schedule an appointment.
    • Please note that a current physical is required to try out for any interscholastic sport (grades 7-12). A physical is not required for intramural sports (grades 6-12).

    If a physical, dental, or vision exam is needed, check with your health care provider to see if he/she has the mandated Illinois form.  If he/she does not have the Illinois form, it will be available at www.ipsd.org

    The District’s Medication Policy is found in the Parent/Student Handbook at www.ipsd.org.  Please reference the section on School Board Policy.  A student, who has asthma, allergies, diabetes, or a seizure disorder, is allowed to carry medication while at school.  Physician orders or a photocopy of the pharmaceutical label on the medication box for rescue inhalers must be on file with the nurse. 

    Enclosed in the electronic registration packet, you will find an emergency medical page, which must be completed and submitted.  This information is used in the event of an emergency.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call your school health office. 

    Linda Herwaldt MS, BSN, RN, PEL-CSN 
    Coordinator of Health Services