- Indian Prairie School District #204
- Course Guides
- Middle School
Middle School Course Descriptions
Grade 6 ELA
In sixth grade, all students engage in meaningful collaborations with peers, read and savor new and exciting literature, and deepen their knowledge of academic English. Sixth grade teachers provide instruction that enables all students to comprehend text, and students read closely to gain understanding and construct meaning from texts. Students learn to monitor their own understanding as they read and use strategies to clarify any confusions that arise. In addition, students determine a central idea of a text, analyze how a key individual or event is introduced, and determine an author’s point of view. A multi-faceted approach is taken to develop vocabulary. In writing, students move from writing opinion pieces to writing arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence, citing evidence to support their understanding of key ideas and supporting details. Students are expected to write summaries that are distinct from personal opinions, judgments, and prior knowledge. For the first time, student writing includes a thesis statement. Students also continue to write narrative texts, containing relevant descriptive details and well-structured event sequences. They also conduct short research projects to answer a question. Students are expected to use multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility of each source, and quote data and conclusions while avoiding plagiarism. Collaborative discussions remain an important element of instruction in grade six. Students now refer to evidence on the topic, text, or issue during discussion. They also demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing during discussions as well. Students in grade six increase their command of conventions of Standard English grammar and usage capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Grade 6 Project Arrow ELA
In sixth grade Project Arrow ELA, students continue to strengthen the development of reading and writing skills not just in language arts, but across the content areas. Specifically, they examine the patterns and elements of a story authors use in text to enhance comprehension and engage readers. Students will analyze text for the interactions of literary elements and point-of-views of characters. Students also analyze word choice, opinions, and claims in fiction and nonfiction text. Students will identify techniques an author uses to create characters and cite evidence to support interpretation. They will determine the theme or central idea of a text and analyze, in detail, its development. Students will compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of setting with a real historical setting. Students will use purpose, structure, the elements of plot, and figurative language in narrative writing and use tone and pacing in storytelling. They will convey timelines in narrative writing while describing a setting effectively. Students will research articles and create summaries to build arguments using claims. Students will create informative writing using an effective introduction and conclusion, clear and relevant facts, and transitions. Students will incorporate knowledge of specific conventions, parts of speech, punctuation, and grammar in writing to contribute to overall understanding and create style. They will engage in discussions that state and support their claims in literature and other areas. Students will use strategies and their knowledge of affixes and roots to understand the meaning of words and phrases. This course utilizes the Illinois Learning Standards for seventh grade English Language Arts.
Grade 7 ELA
In seventh grade, students continue to engage with ideas, concepts, and knowledge in literature and informational texts. Using evidence from texts, students read carefully in order to grasp information, ideas, and details to create their own understanding and arguments in writing and discussions. Students work to answer text-dependent questions using evidence they discover and information they infer from paying close attention to the meaning of a text. Using informational texts, students cite not just one (as in grade six) but several pieces of textual evidence to determine more than one main idea in a text and write an objective summary. Students compare and contrast texts and trace the development of an argument in a selection of informational texts. A multi-faceted approach advances students' vocabulary knowledge in the increasingly complex text that they read. Students write arguments in which they acknowledge and address alternate or opposing claims; they support claims or counterarguments. They continue to write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events. In addition, seventh graders conduct research and produce written products with increasing independence and attention to audience, purpose, and citation of sources. Students are expected to demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking, and they are expected to demonstrate command of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Grade 7 Project Arrow ELA
In seventh grade Project Arrow ELA, students continue to strengthen the development of reading and writing skills not just in language arts, but across the content areas. Specifically, they examine fiction and nonfiction text in order to learn how authors structure text differently. Students will examine dialogue, specific incidents, and differences in points of views while responding to text. They will delineate and evaluate arguments and claims from text and speech to assess reasoning. Students will consider the point of view of authors, characters, and themselves while encountering and interpreting text. Students will write an informative or explanatory text to examine a topic and will share their experiences through narrative writing. Students will build an argument using logic, reason, and text support and will also work to express their own ideas and build on the ideas of others. Students will use strategies and their knowledge of affixes and roots to understand the meaning of words and phrases, and they will incorporate knowledge of specific conventions, parts of speech, punctuation, and grammar in writing to contribute to overall understanding and to create style.This course utilizes the Illinois Learning Standards for eighth grade English Language Arts.
Grade 8 ELA
In eighth grade, students continue to develop reading and writing skills not just in language arts, but across the content areas. Specifically, they analyze the relationship of a theme to characters, setting, and plot and analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events. They delineate and evaluate arguments and claims in a text and distinguish the claims they make in their own writing from alternate or opposing claims as they read closely to understand what a text says explicitly and to draw inferences from a text. When developing summaries, students sort through the ideas of a text to identify those that are central. Eighth grade students write arguments and support claims, they now distinguish their claims from alternate or opposing claims. They continue to write informative/explanatory texts, including career development documents. They also write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events. In addition, eighth graders are expected to conduct research and produce written products with increasing independence and attention to audience, purpose, and citation of sources. Specifically, they are expected to use technology and the Internet to present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently. Students in grade eight are expected to understand and use sentence patterns and verbs in active and passive voice and the conditional and subjunctive mood.
Grade 8 Project Arrow ELA
In eighth grade Project Arrow ELA, students continue to develop reading and writing skills not just in language arts, but across the content areas. Specifically, they examine text as the creative expressions of an artist, learning that fiction and nonfiction authors use different techniques to craft their works. Students will learn the names and purposes of literary techniques used in both types of communication. In addition, they will create both types of text with deliberate attention to using irony, suspense, diction, and structure. Eighth grade Project Arrow students will also critically examine fiction and nonfiction texts for evidence of bias or perspective with a focus on diction. Students will craft pieces of text from multiple perspectives. Students will examine fable, allegory, and satire as tools of persuasion along with traditional rhetorical patterns found in many political speeches. Students will write and deliver a classic rhetorical speech. Students will participate in historical conflicts via literature in order to evaluate the effectiveness of selected writings. They will research a modern day controversy and report on the conflicts resulting from the issue. Students will learn that sentences can and should be deliberately varied using various types of phrases and clauses and four different sentence structures to convey specific meanings and to add variety and interest to writing or presentations. They will learn that using appropriate verb agreement, appropriate pronoun agreement, and the conventions of capitalization and punctuation results in clear writing and accurately conveys meaning in written communication. Students will learn the meaning of Latin bases and how to use strategies to find the meaning of words using Latin base knowledge and the context clues within the sentence to enhance vocabulary development. This course utilizes the Illinois Learning Standards for ninth grade English Language Arts.
At each grade, students are expected to not only develop an understanding of content standards, but also develop key behaviors outlined in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Preparing students for 21st century careers in our information-based society must involve solving real-world problems, reasoning effectively and making logical connections. Students are encouraged to develop the critical thinking skills required to persevere through a tiered problem solving challenge. This, incorporated with a strong foundation in mathematical operations and number sense, will enable students to produce convincing oral and written mathematical arguments. Infusing technology supports visualization, organization and analysis of data so that students are better able to focus on the “Whys” and “Hows” of mathematical learning. Through rich and varied educational experiences, students are encouraged to think critically and collaborate with peers; to use mathematics and 21st century skills for effective college and career readiness.
Typical pathways for math course enrollments can be found here
Grade 6 Math
In 6th grade mathematics, students will explore numerical expressions and factors; fractions and decimals; ratios and rates; percents; algebraic expressions and properties; equations; area, surface area and volume; integers, number lines and the coordinate plane; and statistical measures.
Instructional time focuses on four critical areas:
connecting ratio, rate, and percentage to whole-number multiplication and division to solve problems
division of fractions and system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers
writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations
developing understanding of statistical thinking
Grade 7 Math/Grade 6 Accelerated Math
In 7th grade mathematics & 6th grade accelerated math, students will explore adding and subtracting rational numbers; multiplying and dividing rational numbers; expressions; equations and inequalities; ratios and proportions; percents; probability; statistics; and geometric shapes and angles.
Instructional time focuses on four critical areas:
developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships
developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations
solving problems that involve scale drawings, two- and three-dimensional shapes, area, surface area and volume
drawing inferences about populations based on samples
Grade 8 Math/Grade 7 Accelerated Math/Grade 6 Project Arrow Math
In 8th grade math, 7th grade accelerated math & 6th grade Project Arrow math, students explore equations; transformations; angles and triangles; graphing and writing linear equations; systems of linear equations; data analysis and displays; functions; exponents and scientific notation; and real numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Instructional time focuses on three critical areas:
formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations
grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships
analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
Grade 7 Project Arrow Math/Grade 8 Accelerated Math (Algebra 1)
Algebra 1 is a one-year course. Students are introduced to concepts covering modeling with mathematics, linear functions, solving equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations, graphing quadratics, operations with polynomials, basic statistics, and quadratic functions. Note-taking and study skills are stressed and formalized.
Instructional time should focus on five critical areas:
Developing fluency in writing, interpreting, and translating between various forms of linear equations and inequalities, and using them to solve problems.
Understanding function notation, interpreting functions graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally, translating between representations and understanding the limitations of various representations.
Extending the properties of exponents to rational exponents and comparing and contrasting linear and exponential functions.
Applying an understanding of data in order to create linear models for data.
Extending understanding of functions to quadratic functions and creating and solving quadratic equations.
Grade 8 Project Arrow Math (Honors Geometry)
In addition to covering the topics listed below, this course provides a more rigorous and in-depth approach to covering geometric ideas and formal proofs. The Math Practice Standards are the foundation of lessons, teaching students how to reason and think mathematically.
Topics covered in this course include:
Properties and applications of quadrilaterals and circles
Coordinate geometry
Right triangle trigonometry
Surface area and volume of three-dimensional figures
Grade 6 Science
Sixth grade Science begins with the teaching of laboratory safety and precautions for students who may be new to lab experiments. Throughout sixth grade, all units are project-based with students engaging in several scientific practices including asking questions, designing and carrying out investigations, analyzing data, developing models and constructing models of phenomena. In the first unit, students learn about light. The scientific principles that explain the behavior of light are the same principles that govern much of the behavior of cellular phones, computers, MRI scanners, microwave ovens, nuclear power plants, televisions, satellite communication, GPS, and many other systems.The second unit is an introduction to chemistry that focuses on one of the core ideas in physical science—the particle nature of matter. Students experience, model, and explain a variety of laboratory and everyday phenomena related to core ideas about matter and its interactions and, more specifically, the structure and properties of matter. The third unit builds on core science concepts such as the particle nature of matter and substances and their properties. The fourth unit explores energy transfer (from one object to another, or one place to another within an object); energy transformation (from one type of energy to another); and what it means for energy to be conserved.
Grade 7 Science
Seventh grade Science begins the year with a review of lab safety and precautions. The first unit focuses on how the body systems work together and how matter and energy flow through the body. The second unit deepens understanding of the molecular aspects of how food provides organisms with energy. The third unit is an ecosystem unit that focuses on organisms' need for survival and what happens when those needs are not met. The fourth unit is organized around three clusters of ideas: heredity, variation within and between species, and natural selection. The organizing theme is differences between organisms and how differences happen. All units are project-based with students engaging in several scientific practices including asking questions, designing and carrying out investigations, analyzing data, developing models and constructing models of phenomena.
Grade 8 Science
Grade 8 Science begins with a review of lab safety and precautions. The first unit is a physical science unit that contextualizes concepts with forces and motions in students’ real world experiences. The second unit focuses on plate tectonics and builds on key conceptual understandings including the conservation of matter, convection, and energy transfer. The third unit explores water in the world by leading students to understand how the land is shaped differently, how water moves between reservoirs, how moving water affects land, and the role of rock in creating shapes. The fourth unit is an earth science unit that focuses on what causes variation in local weather events and global climate patterns by developing a model of flow of matter and energy through the atmosphere. All units are project-based with students engaging in several scientific practices including asking questions, designing and carrying out investigations, analyzing data, developing models and constructing models of phenomena.
Project Arrow Science
In the Project Arrow Science courses, students explore all of the phenomena and units listed in the grade level descriptions above. In addition to mastering the skills and standards at each grade level, students are afforded the opportunity to increase pace, depth and level of learning.
Social Studies
The middle school social studies focus on the developmental needs of middle school students and are designed to cultivate critical thinking skills through the inquiry process. The disciplinary concepts of civics, economics, geography and history are integrated throughout the curriculum. Students will utilize the inquiry process to develop questions, research, weight evidence and develop conclusions. Below are the topics covered in each of the middle school courses.
Grade 6 World History
In this course, students will explore the physical geography, governments, cultures & legacies/lasting impacts of various ancient civilizations. In each of the units of study, students examine various sources in order to develop an argument to a compelling question.
Grade 7 Geography & Global Studies
In this course, students explore geography and examine a variety of topics, including globalization, culture, human rights, boundaries & human progress from a global perspective. In each of the units of study, students examine various sources in order to develop an argument to a compelling question.
Grade 8 U.S. History & Civics
In this course, students will examine multiple events in U.S. history. This course also fulfills the Illinois State Civics mandate in accordance with the Illinois Learning Standards for Social Science.
Project Arrow Social Studies
In the Project Arrow social studies courses, students explore all of the units of study listed above for each grade level. In addition to mastering the skills and standards at each grade level, students are afforded the opportunity to increase pace, depth and level of learning.
Sixth Grade Encore
Quarter Courses (9 Weeks)
Art I
Students will focus on developing skills which include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and collage. They will have the opportunity to experiment and refine skills using a variety of art media. Elements and principles of design will be emphasized in each project.
6th Grade PLTW - Design and Modeling (DM) PLTW1006 (9 weeks)
In this course, students begin to recognize the value of an engineering notebook to document and capture their ideas. They are introduced to and use the design process to solve problems and understand the influence that creative and innovative design has on our lives. Students use industry-standard 3D modeling software to create a virtual image of their designs and produce a portfolio to showcase their creative solutions. (A small lab fee is required.)
6th Grade Family & Consumer Science (FACS) Exploration (9 weeks)
This exploratory course introduces students to the Family and Consumer Science curriculum. The areas of concentration include nutrition, culinary procedures, and textile design. Students will engage in hands-on culinary and textile lab experiences, product design, and collaborative activities. An introduction to novice business skills such as promotion and determining product cost will also be integrated. (A lab fee is required.)
6th Grade General Music
Students will take a musical journey through different time periods and cultures via listening, composing, and performing. Students will also develop written and verbal skills to analyze music to become life-long consumers of this indispensable art form.
Foreign Language Experience (FLEX)
This course is an introduction to Chinese, German, French, and Spanish. It includes culture, geography, and the mastery of basic vocabulary and grammatical structures. Some of the areas covered by the course include greetings, classroom, objects, commands, numbers, foods, time, colors, weather, seasons, months and days of the week. The purpose of this course is to expose students to languages that they might want to take in middle or high school.
Study Skills
The content of this course will focus on six different skill areas that fall within the vast context of Study Skills. These areas include organization, time management/personal responsibility, active listening, note taking/summarizing, test-taking skills, and goal setting. Students will participate in a variety of activities in order to strengthen their skills in each of these areas of focus and learn to apply these skills to their work in other courses.
Semester Courses (18 Weeks)
Essential Technology INST0600 (Required)
This course will focus on developing 21st Century Skills by incorporating technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students will be able to select and use district provided applications effectively and productively. Throughout the course, students will demonstrate creative thinking, problem solving, and collaboration. Course activities provide a pathway for students to assess and apply new technical knowledge. This is a one semester required course in the Middle School Instructional Technology Department.
Creative Technology INST0601 (Required)
This course prepares students to use computer technology in an effective and creative manner. Students expand knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, online collaboration tools, presentations, communication, web tools, and digital media software. Students will explore digital photography, illustration, video editing, audio recording, and mobile device applications. Students establish what it means to be a good digital citizen and how to use technology creatively. Students apply skills and knowledge to real life problems to communicate ideas through quality products. This is a one semester required course in the Middle School Instructional Technology Department.
Year Long Courses (36 Weeks)
6th Grade Physical Education (27 weeks) & Health (9 weeks) (Both are Required)
Physical Education plays a major role in a student’s overall educational experience. All students are required to participate in Physical Education for 3 quarters (27 weeks). The program focuses on building a foundation for life-long learning through physical activity, fitness, wellness, and team building. These components provide an opportunity for the development of each student’s physical, social, and emotional well-being. Students will also participate in 6th Grade Health for 1 quarter (9 weeks). Health covers the different aspects of physical, mental and social health, and how these aspects affect each persons overall well being. Some areas covered include Healthy Relationships, Disease, ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs), Injury Prevention and Reproductive Wellness.
6th Grade Band
The class meets daily and performs approximately five times each year. Special activities are scheduled throughout the school year. In addition to the daily band rehearsal, technique classes are scheduled on a rotational basis allowing for small group instruction to improve individual instrument performance techniques. Band students will be scheduled into a technique class once per week in lieu of another class on their schedule. The rotation will ensure that no subject is missed more than once every four weeks. Students enrolled in band may also audition to participate in Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble that meet before school.
6th Grade Chorus
In sixth grade chorus, the singers study a variety of music from different styles and cultures. Through classroom activities and performance, these students further develop their knowledge of the elements of music, proper vocal technique, and music reading skills. Students will sing a wide variety of quality choral music and will participate in at least four performances a year. If you were not enrolled in chorus as a 5th grade student, please contact a faculty member of the Choral Department before completing the attached form.
6th Grade Orchestra
Any student who has completed orchestra during their fifth grade year is encouraged to continue their music education by enrolling in sixth grade orchestra. Any student who has not completed fifth grade orchestra in District 204 must have approval from the teacher before enrolling in sixth grade orchestra. The class meets daily and performs at least four concerts during the school year. In addition to daily orchestra class, technique classes (pull-out lessons) are scheduled on a rotational basis allowing for small group instruction to improve individual instrument performance techniques. Students will be scheduled into a technique class once per week in lieu of another class on their schedule. The rotation ensures that no subject is missed more than once every four weeks. Students enrolled in orchestra may also audition to participate in an advanced honors orchestra that meets before school. Students also may choose to take part in contests, festivals, and/or a before school fiddle group. Additional special activities are scheduled throughout the school year.
Seventh Grade Encore
Quarter Courses (9 Weeks)*
Art I*
Students will focus on developing skills which include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and collage. They will have the opportunity to experiment and refine skills using a variety of art media. Elements and principles of design will be emphasized in each project.
Study Skills*
The content of this course will focus on six different skill areas that fall within the vast context of Study Skills. These areas include organization, time management/personal responsibility, active listening, note taking/summarizing, test-taking skills, and goal setting. Students will participate in a variety of activities in order to strengthen skills in each of these areas of focus and learn to apply these skills to their work in other courses.
* - These courses are offered at the 7th grade level for those students in Band, Chorus, or Orchestra who did not have the opportunity to take them as 6th grade students.
Semester Courses (18 Weeks)
Art II
This class is a continuation of Art I, building on skills and concepts. Exploration of different mediums and art techniques occur while creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional art products. Hands-on activities provide students an opportunity to practice creative and critical problem-solving.
7th Grade PLTW - Automation Robotics (AR) PLTW1007 (Semester)
Students will trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics. They learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation and computer control systems. Students use a robust robotics platform to design, build, and program a solution to solve an existing problem. (A small lab fee is required.)
Creative Technology INST0700 (Required)
Note that some students will complete this requirement during sixth grade.
This course prepares students to use computer technology in an effective and creative manner. Students expand knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, online collaboration tools, presentations, communication, web tools, and digital media software. Students will explore digital photography, illustration, video editing, audio recording, and mobile device applications. Students establish what it means to be a good digital citizen and how to use technology creatively. Students apply skills and knowledge to real life problems to communicate ideas through quality products. This is a one semester required course in the Middle School Instructional Technology Department.
7th Grade - Family & Consumer Science (FACS) (Semester)
FACS is an engaging, semester-long course that teaches students how to be more self-sufficient in the areas of sewing and foods. Students work independently in the sewing lab to create hand and machine sewn projects. Students use the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to make smart food decisions and then put that nutrition knowledge to work while participating in a variety of cooperative food preparation labs based on the meals of the day. (A small lab fee is required.)
World Music: Culture Jam
Culture Jam is a hands-on exploration of current music from around the world. Students will create, perform, and experience music using a variety of instruments and technology.
Year Long Courses (36 Weeks)
7th Grade Physical Education (27 weeks) & Health (9 weeks) (Both are Required)
Physical Education plays a major role in a student’s overall educational experience. All students are required to participate in Physical Education for 3 quarters (27 weeks). The program focuses on building a foundation for life-long learning through physical activity, fitness, wellness, and team building. These components provide an opportunity for the development of each student’s physical, social, and emotional well-being. Students will also participate in 7th Grade Health for 1 quarter (9 weeks). Health covers the different aspects of physical, mental and social health, and how the aspects affect each persons overall well being. Some areas covered include Healthy Relationships, Emotional Empowerment, ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs), Injury Prevention and Reproductive Wellness. The subject of STIs and AIDS will be reviewed during Reproductive Wellness.
World Language: French/Spanish 1A
These courses are designed as a two year course to be started in 7th grade and then completed during 8th grade. Students who successfully complete French/Spanish 1A and 1B will receive 1.0 high school credit at the end of their 8th grade year and be recommended for French/Spanish 2 for their freshman year of high school.
- French 1A introduces the student to practical vocabulary and basic grammatical structures that will enable them to communicate in simple French. The course focuses on speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as various aspects of French culture. Oral communication is stressed.
- Spanish 1A introduces the student to basic vocabulary and grammar structures which allow them to understand, speak, read, and write Spanish at the novice level. The course presents a cultural background of the Spanish-speaking world. Oral communication is stressed.
7th Grade Band
Seventh grade band is for students who have completed band through the sixth grade. Any student who has not completed sixth grade band in District 204 must have approval from the director before enrolling in band. The class meets daily and performs approximately five times each year. Special activities are scheduled throughout the school year. In addition to the daily band rehearsal, technique classes are scheduled on a rotational basis allowing for small group instruction to improve individual instrument performance techniques. Band students will be scheduled into a technique class once per week in lieu of another class on their schedule. The rotation will ensure that no subject is missed more than once every four weeks. Students enrolled in band may also audition to participate in Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble that meet before school.
7th Grade Chorus
In seventh grade chorus, the singers study a variety of music from different styles and cultures. Through classroom activities and performance, these students further develop their knowledge of the elements of music, proper vocal technique, and music reading skills. Students will sing a wide variety of quality choral music and will participate in at least four performances a year. If you were not enrolled in chorus as a 6th grade student, please contact a faculty member of the Choral Department before completing the attached form.
7th Grade Orchestra
Any student who has completed orchestra through their sixth grade year is encouraged to continue their music education by enrolling in seventh grade orchestra. Any student who has not completed sixth grade orchestra in District 204 must have approval from the teacher before enrolling in seventh grade orchestra. The class meets daily and performs at least four concerts during the school year. In addition to daily orchestra class, technique classes (pull-out lessons) are scheduled on a rotational basis allowing for small group instruction to improve individual instrument performance techniques. Students will be scheduled into a technique class once per week in lieu of another class on their schedule. The rotation ensures that no subject is missed more than once every four weeks. Students enrolled in orchestra may also audition to participate in an advanced honors orchestra that meets before school. Students also may choose to take part in contests, festivals, and/or a before school fiddle group. Additional special activities are scheduled throughout the school year.
Eighth Grade Encore
Semester Courses (18 Weeks)
Digital Media INST0801 (Semester)
This course combines visual design, computer applications, and business techniques. Students create, manipulate, and use print media, audio recordings, video recordings, and websites to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. Possible projects include: photo manipulation, digital animations, sound bites, movie productions, and digital portfolios. This is a one semester elective course in the Middle School Instructional Technology Department
Tech Revolution INST0800 (Semester)
This course provides an introduction to computer science and software engineering. Students learn the basics of software development by making video games, developing mobile apps, and creating dynamic web sites. The course is designed to foster computational thinking and logical problem-solving. Basic computer science careers and educational options will also be explored. This is a one semester elective course in the Middle School Instructional Technology department.
Design & Sculpture (Semester)
In this course, students will focus on creative problem-solving while making three-dimensional and design-inspired art products. Emphasis is on elements of art and principles of design composition as well as sculptural techniques and materials. Media may include, but is not limited to; ceramics, wire, paper and found objects.
Drawing & Painting (Semester)
This course will focus on the elements of art, principles of design composition, the basic techniques and concepts of drawing and painting. Students will experiment and refine technical skills using a variety of media including, but not limited to, watercolor, acrylic paints, colored pencil, chalk, oil, pastels, and graphite.
8thGrade PLTW - Energy and the Environment (EE) with Automation Robotics (AR)PLTW1016 (Semester)
Students investigate the impact of energy on our lives and the environment. They design and model alternative energy sources and participate in an energy expo to demonstrate energy concepts and innovative ideas. Students evaluate ways to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency and sustainability. Students will use a robotics platform to explore, develop, and build programs to problem solve. (A small lab fee is required.)
8thGrade - Manufacturing Technology TEE0802 (Semester)
Students will explore areas of manufacturing; including safety, materials, tools, machinery, processes, and related careers. Students will use wood and plastic as primary materials for the production of various projects to be taken home. (A small lab fee is required.)
8th Grade - Foods, Nutrition, & Wellness (semester)
This is a hands-on course that teaches students basic knowledge of the nutrients found in foods and the essentials of food preparation. The course framework is based on MyPlate, a tool developed by the USDA to help manage personal health. Students participate in labs that correspond with the major groups on the plate. Students also learn about food cultures from around the world and career opportunities within the food industry. (A small lab fee is required.)
8th Grade - Sewing (semester)
During this self-paced course, students of all sewing levels focus on developing their skills by creating both hand and machine sewn projects. Students also learn about clothing design, fabric purchase, use of patterns, written and verbal procedural directions, and critical thinking skills. (A small lab fee is required.)
Year Long Courses (36 Weeks)
8th Grade Physical Education (27 weeks) & Health (9 weeks) (Both are Required)
Physical Education plays a major role in a student’s overall educational experience. All students are required to participate in Physical Education for 3 quarters (27 weeks). The program focuses on building a foundation for life-long learning through physical activity, fitness, wellness, and team building. These components provide an opportunity for the development of each student’s physical, social, and emotional well-being. Students will also participate in 8th Grade Health for 1 quarter (9 weeks). Health covers the different aspects of physical, mental and social health, and how these aspects affect each persons overall well being. Some areas covered include Healthy Relationships, Emotional Empowerment, ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs), Healthy Eating and Reproductive Wellness. The subject of STIs and AIDS will be reviewed during Reproductive Wellness.
8th Grade Band
Eighth grade band is for students who have completed band through the seventh grade. Any student who has not completed seventh grade band in District 204 must have approval from the director before enrolling in band. The class meets daily and performs approximately five times each year. Special activities are scheduled throughout the school year. In addition to the daily band rehearsal, technique classes are scheduled on a rotational basis allowing for small group instruction to improve individual instrument performance techniques. Band students will be scheduled into a technique class once per week in lieu of another class on their schedule. The rotation will ensure that no subject is missed more than once every four weeks. Students enrolled in band may also audition to participate in Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble that meet before school.
8th Grade Chorus
In eighth grade chorus, the singers study a variety of music from different styles and cultures. Through classroom activities and performance, these students further develop their knowledge of the elements of music, proper vocal technique, and music reading skills. Students will sing a wide variety of quality choral music and will participate in at least four performances a year. If you were not enrolled in chorus as a 7th grader, please contact a faculty member of the Choral Department before completing the attached form.
8th Grade Orchestra
Any student who has completed orchestra through their seventh grade year is encouraged to continue their music education by enrolling in eighth grade orchestra. Any student who has not completed seventh grade orchestra in District 204 must have approval from the teacher before enrolling in eighth grade orchestra. The class meets daily and performs at least four concerts during the school year. In addition to daily orchestra class, technique classes (pull-out lessons) are scheduled on a rotational basis allowing for small group instruction to improve individual instrument performance techniques. Students will be scheduled into a technique class once per week in lieu of another class on their schedule. The rotation ensures that no subject is missed more than once every four weeks. Students enrolled in orchestra may also audition to participate in an advanced honors orchestra that meets before school. Students also may choose to take part in contests, festivals, and/or a before school fiddle group. Additional special activities are scheduled throughout the school year. Eighth grade orchestra is a prerequisite for enrolling in high school orchestra.
World Language (French/Spanish 1B)
These courses are designed as two-year courses to be started in 7th grade and then completed during 8th grade. French/Spanish 1B courses are the equivalent to the second semester curriculum of the freshman courses offered at the high schools. Students who successfully complete French/Spanish 1A and 1B will receive 1.0 high school credit at the end of their 8th grade year and be recommended for French/Spanish 2 for their freshman year of high school.
French 1B introduces the student to practical vocabulary and basic grammatical structures that will enable him or her to communicate in simple French. The course focuses on speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as various aspects of French culture. Oral communication is stressed.
Spanish 1B is designed to train the student to understand, speak, read, and write basic Spanish as well as present a cultural background of the Spanish-speaking people. Oral communication is stressed.