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  • Why is the development of vocabulary so important?

    • Developing a rich vocabulary is essential to having good communication skills.
    • Understanding and using a wide variety of words is essential in helping a child to learn what is being taught and express the knowledge they have.
    • Vocabulary development plays a critical part in learning to read as it is one of the five building blocks of reading. (The five building blocks of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, VOCABULARY, and text comprehension).

    What can I do at home to support vocabulary development?

    • Talk more to your babies and young children!
    • Engage in real conversations with your children, not just "business talk" such as "sit down," "come here," "stop that," or "hold still."
    • Read books! Reading is a great way to expose your children to many new words.
    • Try to keep books at home for your children to enjoy and "read" to themselves.
    • Emphasize important words like action words, descriptive words, category names, and school vocabulary such as colors, shapes and numbers.
    • Remember: Current research suggests a typical child must hear a word 35 times to learn it.  Multiple exposures to a word have a greater effect on vocabulary learning than one or two mentions of a word.
    • Have fun and enjoy your child!

    Curriculum for 24-25 School Year

    Unit of Study

    Unit Outline

    Essential Questions


    All About Me

    Each of us are individuals with particular likes and dislikes. While we are unique in many ways, similarities and differences between us contribute to what makes us special. Our families also help to shape us into that unique person through the sharing of traditions, language, and the special things they all do as members of a family.

    1. What are my responsibilities in my classroom?
    2. What makes me special?
    3. Who are the people in my family?
    4. What makes my family special?


    • first
    • then
    • school
    • teacher(s)
    • friend(s)
    • classroom
    • go
    • ask/tell
    • need
    • want
    • help
    • ready
    • respectful
    • safe
    • I
    • me
    • skin
    • like
    • happy
    • sad
    • same
    • different
    • look
    • you
    • family
    • mom
    • dad
    • grandma
    • grandpa
    • sister
    • brother
    • large
    • small
    • pets
    • do

    Me and Where I Live

    We learn about ourselves by exploring the world around us; where we live and the type of homes we live in. Homes are different depending on where they are and the needs of the people or animals that may live there. Each home is designed with purpose, a specific structure, and function of space.

    1. What is the function of home? What do we do in our homes?
    2. What types of homes are there? How are homes the same and different?


    • big/large
    • small/little
    • more
    • less
    • equal
    • medium
    • hot
    • cold
    • hard
    • soft
    • first
    • eat


    • sleep
    • sit
    • three (3)
    • angry over
    • under
    • above
    • below
    • through
    • habitat
    • research
    • investigate

    Healthiest Me I Can Be

    Living an active and healthy lifestyle includes being safe, making good choices about what we eat, and participating in physical activities. Doing these things takes practice and practice turns into healthy habits.

    1. What makes us healthy?
    2. How does practice turn into healthy habits?
    3. What are our body parts and how do they function?
    • healthy
    •  exercise
    • habit
    • rest
    • body
    • in
    • out
    • fast
    • slow