- Indian Prairie School District #204
- Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
Page Navigation
- 1:1 Chromebook Info
- Academically Talented
- Early Entrance K/1
English Language Learning (ELL) Program
- ELL Overview
- Identification, Assessment, and Placement of Students
- Entry and Exit Criteria
- English Language Proficiency Levels
- Records and Report Cards
- Illinois English Language Development Standards
- Elementary ELL Program
- Middle School ELL Program
- High School ELL Program
- District 204 ESL and Bilingual Teacher Qualifications
- Programs for Parents
- *NEW* Newcomers Resource Guide
- ELL CAN DO Descriptors
- Library Media Center (LMC) Program
- Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
- Seal of Biliteracy
- 204 OnLine Summer School
- STEM Camp
For More Information:
Metea Valley High School
Kathy Wonsowski, Department Chair
Neuqua Valley High School
Lisa Traut, Department Chair
Waubonsie Valley High School
Alison Heuer, Department Chair
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a four-year program. Can a student begin taking PLTW courses during his/her junior year?
Yes, a student can begin the PLTW program at any point during their high school career.
Is there national recognition of these classes?
Yes, check the PLTW website at pltw.org. There are national end-of-course assessments. College credit is not automatically assigned — individual universities will have their own specific guidelines for accepting the credit. Students/parents should check with specific universities regarding acceptance of PLTW credit.
Are the courses for a semester or year?
Each PLTW course is year-long.
Is there an application process in order to take a PLTW course?
No, there are prerequisites for each PLTW course and students must meet those requirements in order to be eligible. The prerequisites are listed in the course guide found at www.ipsd.org.
Are there summer PLTW courses available either in our District or outside of the District?
Indian Prairie does not offer summer PLTW courses.
Is there a specific sequence of courses to follow? What is the progression?
IED and POE are the foundation courses and it is required that students begin with one of these two courses. Students will then choose a path for further coursework. EDD is the capstone course and should be taken as a final course during senior year.
Is there AP testing at the end?
There are national PLTW tests administered at the end of each course.
Do we need specific software on our home computer so students can complete homework?
Software-related homework will not be assigned.
Are the PLTW classes weighted?
Yes. All PLTW courses are honors-level courses and are weighted.
Will there be duplication if a student has already completed CAD or Drafting courses?
There will be minimal duplication; however, PLTW will allow students to use these skills in a problem-based team approach.
How will this fit into a student’s schedule if they already have music, foreign language, etc.?
PLTW courses are full year courses and count as electives. Choices will have to be made when balancing a schedule. Students and parents will need to determine the plan that best meets the student’s needs.
How much is the lab fee?
The lab fee for each PLTW course (except Engineering Design & Development) is $20. The lab fee for EDD is $40.