- Indian Prairie School District #204
- Bus Routes
Route information is for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday bus times will be 20 minutes later for morning pickup for middle school; 10 minutes later for morning pickup for elementary school; and 20 minutes earlier in the afternoon for high school to accommodate the Professional Development Wednesday program.
For bus route questions/concerns please contact your school office.
Initial requests will be addressed by the school administration. If a request needs further action, the school administration will send their recommendation to the District office for review and adjustment.
Bus route information can be found in the student information system. The Transportation Department is constantly reviewing and adjusting bus routes for safety, efficiency and to meet the feedback from students, parents, bus drivers and staff. If route adjustments need to be made, they will go into effect on Monday morning of each week and are reflected in the SIS by 7:00 PM on the Friday preceding the changes. While the schools will make every effort to communicate route changes to the families of affected students, it is always wise to verify bus route information periodically.