- McCarty Elementary
- Overview
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
- Arrival begins/Doors open at 8:50 AM
- Tardy bell: 9:05 AM
- The school day is 9:05 AM- 3:35 PM
- Arrival begins/Doors open at 9:00 AM
- Tardy bell: 9:15 AM
- The school day is 9:15 AM- 3:35 PM
Please report all absences through ParentVUE or by calling (630) 375-3400- option 3.
Safety is a priority in District 204. In order to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal, Indian Prairie District 204 updated their arrival & dismissal procedures for all levels and school buildings, effective April 2023. The full letter from Dr. Talley is found in the link above. In summary, please find elementary details below.
Arrival Procedures:
During the period of time when children are arriving in the morning, no adults, without an appointment, will be allowed into the schools. Children will be allowed in through normal procedures.
Any adult, without an appointment, who wishes to go into the school to talk with the administration or drop something off at the school will need to wait until arrival procedures are completed for the students or call the office for assistance.
For all elementary schools, adults without an appointment will not be allowed between 8:50 - 9:05 a.m. Monday-Tuesday, and Thursday- Friday. On Wednesday, that time is 9:00 - 9:15 a.m.
Dismissal Procedures:
At dismissal time, no adult will be allowed into the school during the time that students are being dismissed. You are welcome to call the office during this time instead of coming into the office.
Parents who need to speak with the office staff will need to wait until the dismissal process is completed for all students.
As a reminder, any changes to dismissal plans need to be communicated to the school staff before 3:15 p.m. Any students being picked up for early dismissal should be picked up before 3:15 p.m.