- Hill Middle
- Mission
"The Mission of Hill Middle School is to create a school where students, teachers, and parents work together, learn together, and grow together."
Hill Middle School is an exemplary learning community. To continue having such a high level of success, our school must have a clear vision and understanding of the goals we are trying to accomplish. The following is a list of summary statements intended to provide the vision Hill Middle School will strive to achieve and maintain.
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Assessment is ongoing and teachers are utilizing both formative and summative assessments to measure learning and drive instruction.
- Assessments will be used to identify achievement gaps and then appropriate interventions will be delivered to address those gaps. The data should drive these interventions.
- Instructional strategies reflect best practices, with a focus on student engagement.
- The essential knowledge for each unit will be identified which answers the question, “What is it we want our students to learn?” Furthermore, assessments will accurately assess the learning of that information.
- Instruction will be differentiated so that individual learning styles and learning levels will be taken in to account.
- Students will have access to a common curriculum, instruction and assessment. Modifications and accommodations for individual students will be used when needed.
- Although students are compared against other students on high stakes testing, we will make it a priority to celebrate student learning on an individual level.
- Teachers have a continuous climate of collaboration where instructional techniques, assignments and both formative and summative assessments can be discussed and modified as needed.
- Technology will be used to keep curriculum cutting edge and current. This technology will be used for both instruction, discovery and student/parent communication.
- Our curriculum and Instruction will promote a curiosity for learning while at the same time teach students “how” to individually “learn” best.
- Co-teaching takes place in appropriate areas with those teachers co-planning on a regular basis for the instruction.
- The administration will make attempts to obtain more instructional technology to be used in all classrooms.
- Every effort will be made to improve the “rigor” of assignments.
- Assessment is ongoing and teachers are utilizing both formative and summative assessments to measure learning and drive instruction.
Emphasis on the Individual Student
- The teachers will facilitate students’ development of the skills necessary to become independent, life-long learners.
- We are committed to educating the academic, social and emotional needs of each child.
- Provide opportunities beyond the school day for students to get involved in a variety of different capacities.
- Problem solving and RTI will be utilized to address individual needs and provide incentives, remediation and interventions where appropriate.
- Offer opportunities to celebrate the positive choices our students make.
- The school climate will honor the uniqueness of each student.
- Early intervention will be provided as soon as we see a student is in academic, social or emotional need.
- The staff will guide students in accepting increasing responsibility for their learning, decisions, and actions.
- Relationship building with the students, parents and each other is a priority.
- Our learning community recognizes and values the importance of each student.
- It is our expectation that students will fulfill the expectation that they will be actively engaged and give their best efforts both academically and behaviorally.
- The teachers will facilitate students’ development of the skills necessary to become independent, life-long learners.
Professional Learning Communities
- The focus of our professional learning communities will include, but not limited to: student learning, school improvement goals, collaboration for teams and departments as well as the opportunity for staff to increase their expertise.
- We are committed to the ideal that “All students can learn.”
- Our professional learning communities will define and implement best practices.
- Create a structure for teachers to observe best practice from other teachers’ during the school day.
- When instruction and training is provided to the staff, there will be a commitment to ensure mastery and quality through guided practice, support resources and formative assessments.
- A high level of mutual trust is demonstrated among all members of our learning community. This includes students, teachers and parents.
- Work collaboratively to make educational decisions that are best for kids.
- Frequent access to district wide curriculum sharing opportunities with colleagues from the same departments across the district.
- Core and Encore will have opportunities to equally contribute in the problem solving RTI process.
- The focus of our professional learning communities will include, but not limited to: student learning, school improvement goals, collaboration for teams and departments as well as the opportunity for staff to increase their expertise.
A Culture for Learning
- Systemic communication structures are in place to foster a high level of communication between students, teachers, parents and the administration.
- There is a commitment or provide a safe environment where students can be free of bullying, alcohol, drugs and violence.
- All staff demonstrates the “We believe in you” attitude towards our students.
- When opportunities arise, every effort will be made to provide up-to-date technology to all classrooms, for all students.
- Communication and discussion is on-going between teachers, administration and parents on how to best serve our students.
- Students demonstrate the school wide expectations of: Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect Property.
- A continued effort will be made to show appreciation for the diverse representation of our student body.
- The school will continue to provide extra opportunities for students to learn outside of the regular class time.
- Learning is dynamic and socially constructed requiring student engagement, collaboration and supportive relationships with one’s peers, teachers and staff.
- Celebrate success, no matter how big or small.
- Systemic communication structures are in place to foster a high level of communication between students, teachers, parents and the administration.
Community Engagement
- The extended community shares and promotes the vision and values of the school.
- Service learning projects continue to be offered to provide opportunities for our students to give back to the community.
- The school will continue to seek out opportunities to collaborate with local businesses.
- Seek out opportunities for our school to share ideas and programs with other schools.
- The general community will feel comfortable and welcome at our school.
- Our school community will keep an open line of communication between staff, students, and parents.
- Provide opportunities for our parents and community members to be actively engaged in the education of our children.
- Parents play an active role in the education of their children by participating in school activities through the PTSA, attending parent/teacher conferences, contacting teachers when problems or questions arise and by frequently utilizing the on-line grading system to monitor grades.
- Continue to provide mentoring opportunities for the community at large.
- The extended community shares and promotes the vision and values of the school.