- Hill Middle
- Helpful Hints for Parents
Click on the topic you want to know more about:
- Parents should call the school by 8:30A.M. on each day their child will be absent.
- If an extended absence of one week or more is expected, only one call is necessary
- If we are not contacted by 8:30A.M., a parent will be called
- Attendance Phone Number: 630.428.6200 x6231
- When a student is going to be absent due to a family vacation, a note should be sent to the office as early as possible informing the school of the dates the student will be gone.
- Upon the students return to school, teachers will provide the student with a list of work missed (one day of extra time is allotted for each day absent when scheduling make-up work)
- If there is a long-range assignment that is assigned prior to the student leaving, the student will still be required to turn it in on the required due date unless they are still gone (it would then be due immediately on the return to school)
Early Dismissal
- Parents are requested to write a note if their children need to leave early or arrive late (it should state times, date, and reason)
- The student should bring the note to the Main Office upon arrival to school so they can be issued a pass to leave class and school early
- Parents will be required to sign the student out in the Main Office
- A cafeteria style food service is available everyday (it includes a meal of the day, a la carte items, a snack line, desserts, etc.)
- The approximate cost is $2.50; students do not need to carry more than $5.00 to school each day
- Parents can add money to their students’ card online or by sending money/check to school with the student
- The students get to pick their lunch table each semester
Communication with Your Child at School
- Students are allowed to use the phone in the office if they have permission before doing so.
- Students may also use their cell phones in or near the Main Office if they have received permission by an adult prior to using it.
Insider Tips:
Most of the time students are calling home because they have forgotten something; please encourage your child to leave a detailed message to avoid parents thinking the worst
If there is an emergency of some kind, school personnel would be doing the calling not the student
Messages to Students
- Messages will be delivered to your students during their lunch periods. If there is an afternoon message, it will be delivered at the beginning of the next period. We do our best not to interrupt class time.
- Please understand that messages called in after 2:45 pm or "just a reminder" messages are more difficult to get to students since it is so close to the end of the day.
Use of Electronic Devices at School
- Students are not allowed to use any electronic device from 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
- If a student is seen using an electronic device, the device will be confiscated by an adult and a consequence will be issued
- It is recommended that electronic devices be kept locked in a locker or kept at home; the school is not responsible for lost or stolen goods
Communication with the School/Teacher
- Sign up to receive the Hill Daily News – daily announcements will be sent to your email
- Visit the Hill Middle School Web Page for important information
- See the online calendar on the Hill Web Page for important events
- See the PTSA blog and web page by visiting Hill’s Web Page
- Contact teachers by phone or email (please allow 24 hours for a response)
- Call the Homework Hotline for the assignments of the day
- Check the Homework Hotline online by going to the Hill website
- Students should use their assignment notebooks daily
Extracurricular Activities
Competitive Sports: Girl’s Volleyball, Cross Country, Football, Boy’s and Girl’s Soccer, Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball, Wrestling, Track and Field
Music: Women’s Chorus, Men’s Chorus, Honor Band, Jazz Band, Jazz Ensemble, Hill Fiddlers, Spring Musical, etc.
Possible Clubs: Art, Student PTSA, Yearbook, Newspaper, Peer Mediators, Student Guides, Golf, Bowling, Model, 3M, Chess, Wrestling, Running, Mind and Body, etc.
Insider Tips:
Talk to your students in the summer to see what they are interested in and also make sure the students are listening to announcements to see when certain clubs and groups begin.
If your student is interested in participating in one of our competitive sports, be sure to submit a sports physical prior to the start of the season. Sports physicals can be downloaded from the Athletics page on the Hill website.
Bus Drop-Off/Pick-Up Rules
- Between the hours of 7:15 – 8:15A.M. and 2:45P.M. – 3:15P.M. only buses are allowed in the circle drive in the front of the school
- Parents wishing to pick up or drop off their child during these times should enter the parking lot at the far southern entrance and proceed north to the curb next to the gym
- If the student is being dropped off, the students should proceed to their appropriate grade level entrance unless there is inclement weather (they can then enter in the 8th grade doors)
- Hilltoppers start at 6:30P.M. and end at 8:30P.M.
- Hilltoppers are for Hill students only
- Permission slips must be signed prior to the first Hilltopper in order for a student to attend (the permission slip is for all of the Hilltoppers)
- Students must give their student ID’s at the door (they will be returned on Monday)
- It costs $3 to enter the Hiltopper
- Students may not attend if they are absent that day or leave before 11:30A.M.
- We recommend carpooling due to the number of students attending
- Pick up is a zoo so plan exactly where to meet your child after
- Please be on time
- If a student is coming or leaving early they must be personally escorted by a parent or guardian
Physical Education
- Lockers are provided for the students
- Showers are not required
- Students are required to change into athletic clothes everyday unless told otherwise by their PE teacher
- Valuables should be locked up in their locker during the PE period
Interscholastic Sports
- $100 fee per sport; 3rd sport in a school year is free
- Only 7th and 8th graders can participate in competitive interscholastic sports
- Students are required to have a physical and sign a waiver prior to participating; students can’t participate in the sport or try out for the sport without an active physical or a signed waiver
- Cut sports – Girl’s Volleyball, Boy’s and Girl’s Soccer, Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball