- White Eagle Elementary
- First Grade
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National PTA: First Grade Parents' Guide to Student Success
Language Arts- Reading: learn to read and understand with a positive attitude
- Writing: learn to write everyday for a variety of authentic purposes
- Listening: listen, understand, and use oral messages
- Speaking: express thoughts and ideas in an appropriate, meaningful manner
- Convention/Structure: begin the use of language, particularly punctuation and capitalization
- Spelling: begin the use of developmentally appropriate spelling strategies
- Number sense: Understand our number system by relating, counting, and grouping
- Geometry: Describe, model, and classify shapes
- Measurement: Explore measurement of length using a ruler; compare volumes and weights
- Operations and computation: Model, explain, and develop reasonable proficiency with basic addition and subtraction facts; apply problem solving strategies
- Patterns and relationships: Recognize, describe, extend, and create a wide variety of patterns
- Probability and statistics: Collect, construct, and read information on a graph
- Content: participate in hands-on activities in the following areas:
- Astronomy: introduction to the solar system
- Earth Science: rocks to soil
- Health: anatomy
- Life Science: senses
- Physical Science: color and light
- Skills:
- predict
- observe
- collect and record data
- interpret
- classify
- draw conclusions
Social Studies
- Content: study families, neighborhoods, and our country's history
- Skills: use maps and develop cultural awareness