- White Eagle Elementary
- Third Grade
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National PTA: Third Grade Parent's Guide to Student Success
Language Arts- Reading: read, comprehend, and appreciate written materials
- Writing: be able to write persuasive, narrative, expository, and descriptive paragraphs
- Listening: listen and respond effectively to oral messages
- Speaking: speak clearly and effectively on a topic
- Convention/Structure: use correct grammar and mechanics in written work
- Spelling: use correct spelling by applying spelling patterns
- Number sense: Understand place value of 3-digit numbers
- Geometry: Label 3-dimensional shapes, polygons, lines, and point
- Measurement: Tell time to the five minutes; count amounts of money up to $5.00; measure length to nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter,meter; estimate length and weight using a benchmark; identify the correct weight measurement
- Operations and computation: Add and subtract 3-digit numbers; know multiplication and division facts 0-9; apply problem solving strategies; estimate reasonable answers
- Patterns and relationships: Understand patterns and relationships in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Probability and statistics: Make and read a graph; use probability to determine fairness of a game
- Content: participate in hands-on activities in the following areas:
- Astronomy: moon
- Earth Science: air
- Health: bones and muscles
- Life Science: people and animals
- Physical Science: looking at liquids
- Skills:
- predict
- observe
- collect and record data
- interpret
- classify
- draw conclusions
Social Studies
- Content: study rural, urban, and suburban communities in the U.S.
- Skills: develop citizenship, conduct research, and use maps and graphs