- Peterson Elementary
- Arrival / Dismissal
Regular Hours Wednesday Hours Half Day Hours 9:05am - 3:35pm 9:15am - 3:35pm 9:05am - 12:05pm - When there will be a change to your child(ren)’s dismissal because of an afterschool club or other circumstance, please write a note and/or send an email to the classroom teacher, Mrs. Newman, and Mrs. Monteiro.
- Please note that teachers will not change a child’s dismissal plan based on the child’s word. Teachers or the office must receive an email and/or note to change a child’s dismissal plan.
- If you need to phone in a change in dismissal, please do so before 2:45. The end of the day can be chaotic in the office and we want to ensure the safe dismissal for all of the students.
If you drive your child(ren) to/from school, drop-off and pick-up is located at the front circle of the school. The drop/off and pick/up lane will be supervised from 8:50 - 9:05 a.m. and 3:30 -3:45 p.m. Follow the procedures below to ensure student safety. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and consideration for the safety of our students, staff, and parents.
Vehicles will enter the main circle drive in front of Peterson Elementary School heading east. Students will enter and exit their vehicles on the curbside ONLY when staff are present. If no staff are present, parents will need to bring their child(ren) into the main office and sign them in.
Parents will receive their Car-Rider number at meet and greet. This sign should be placed in the front window letting staff know which students they are picking up. Staff members located outside will use their radios to notify staff members in the school which students should exit. Students will then come outside Door #13 and look for their car. Staff members will make sure that all cars are stopped and when it is safe, they will tell the students to go to their car. Once a student is safely in the car, parents can move to the left and exit. Cars may exit turning right or left out of the front parking lot. This process will continue until all students are picked up.
For the safety of our students, please no talking on hand-held cell phones while in a school zone.
- Students who walk to school will follow these safety guidelines:
- Students who are walking to school will enter the building through Doors 2,3,4,6, or 10.
- Students should not arrive at school before 8:50 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 9:00 on Wednesdays, when supervision is provided, and they are permitted to enter the building.
- Crossing Guards will be posted at Honey Locust/Winterberry and Mahogany/Chinaberry.
- Students may use the sidewalk surrounding the parking lot and enter through Door 10 off of the gym. Students should not cross the entrance to the parking lot.
- Students should not walk through neighbors' yards to the back or west of the building.
What are the safety rules for walking?
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Walk on the sidewalk whenever possible
- If you need to walk on the street, walk as close as possible to the curb
- Follow the safe walking route
- Look all ways when crossing the street - even if there’s a stop sign
- Follow the directions of the Crossing Guard
Bike Riders:
Students have the opportunity to ride bicycles, scooters, skateboards or may rollerblade to school. Once students are on school property the following rules must be followed:
- Bikes and scooters are to be walked once on school property.
- Bikes should be placed and locked in our bike racks at the back of the building. Students will enter through Doors 4,6, and 10.
- Bikes and scooters are to be walked and locked in the bike racks at the back of the building during the school day. Students will enter the building at Doors 4, 7, or 10.
- Skateboards must be carried and locked in the bike racks during the school day.
- Rollerblades must be removed and replaced with appropriate footwear.
- Heelys™ may not be worn at school.
- Rolling backpacks must be carried inside the building for safety purposes.
- Students must obey all traffic rules when traveling to and from school.
- Safety helmets are strongly suggested.
- NO motorized scooters, motorized bicycles or Hoverboards are allowed on school property.
What are the safety rules for biking?
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Ride on the sidewalk whenever possible
- If you need to ride on the street, ride as close as possible to the curb
- Follow the safe walking route
- Stop and look all ways when crossing the street - even if there’s a stop sign
- Follow the directions of the Crossing Guard
- Make sure you lock up your bike
Transportation By Bus
The school bus is an important component to elementary school life. The circle around the parking lot on the west side of our school is for bus traffic only. Proper behavior on the bus is essential. The only adult present is the bus driver. We routinely discuss bus safety rules with the children. We ask that parents review bus safety rules with their children and the importance of these rules, especially the need to remain seated and to talk in a conversational voice. Please review the District 204 Handbook concerning bus conduct with your child.
For safety reasons, students are not allowed to ride any bus other than their assigned route. Bus route/stop changes can only be made by the transportation department at the district level. Please see the procedures at this link.
Please note:
- We assume that all students who should ride a bus will do so to and from school.
- If your child is not riding the bus for any reason, we must have a note from a parent/guardian stating this fact. The note must state who will be responsible for picking up your child. All students are to be picked up in the pick-up/drop off lane in the circle drive in the front of the school. Your child will be put on the bus unless we have a written note from you. We cannot accept this change verbally from your child.
- Please do not call the school office at the end of the day with sudden dismissal changes (unless it’s an emergency). This may result in a child missing important information and leaving by the wrong mode of transportation.