- White Eagle Elementary
- White Eagle Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
White Eagle Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Student safety is our priority. You can help ensure our students’ safety by following the procedures outlined here and ensuring your children understand these procedures along with your family’s personal pick-up plans.
Our arrival and dismissal procedures will begin the first day of school.
All students may enter the building beginning at 8:50am (9:00am on Wednesdays). Staff are present to assist students in finding their classroom for the first few weeks. Please do not drop students off at the front entrance prior to this time as there is no supervision.
Car Rider and Walkers/Bikers will enter the building through Door #1 in the front circle or Door 8 by the bike racks in the back of the building.
Attendance is taken at 9:05am daily (9:15am on Wednesdays). Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classrooms at these times.
Students are dismissed from the building at 3:35pm.
Assigned staff are on duty daily at arrival beginning at 8:49am and dismissal at 3:34pm.
Please follow staff directions in the circle drive and around the building.
The faculty parking lot will be closed to parents/caregivers during arrival and dismissal. There is NO PARKING along the parkway in between the circle drive's entrance and exit and on White Eagle where signs are posted.
Car Riders:
Cell phone use is prohibited in school zones by state law.
Please respect our neighbors by keeping their driveways unblocked.
All families will be assigned a unique car number. Numbers will be distributed at the beginning of the school year and will be used throughout the year. It is recommended that you leave this number in your glove box or visor so that it is always in the car.
Cars are to line up on Monarch Drive to south White Eagle drive while displaying your UNIQUE car number on the passenger side window.
Drivers will NOT be allowed to turn left into the circle drive. Making a “U” turn in a school zone is illegal.
A single line should form so that no student will pass between cars. Students need to exit and enter the car from the passenger side only.
When you enter the front circle, please follow the signs & directions of staff.
All cars on the straight away in front of White Eagle will be loaded at one time. Once loaded, all cars will exit the circle drive together. Please do not pull around other cars unless directed by staff to do so.
Bus and Day Care Riders:
Bus stop routes and pick-up times are posted in each student's ParentVUE. On the left, find the tab STUDENT INFO and click. You will find bus transportation information at the very bottom of the STUDENT INFO page. Bus routes may be adjusted at the beginning of the year & throughout the year, so please check ParentVUE periodically to make sure your child’s bus information has not changed.
Students who arrive at school via daycare vans or by bus are dropped off and picked up in the faculty parking lot. Supervisors meet the bus/vans and direct the students into door #4 (the Gym). They will then proceed to their classrooms.
At dismissal time, bus/daycare students will remain in their classrooms until their bus or day care has arrived (K and 1st students come to the gym right away and wait with a grade level teacher). Once buses/daycare vans arrive and students enter the gym, staff walk the students from the gym to the loading area and supervise the loading procedure.
The playground is closed until 3:50 pm. Please do not utilize the playground until dismissal is completed.
We love pets, but please leave them at home for the safety of students & staff.
Walkers and bikers should only cross streets at the intersection of White Eagle Drive and Monarch Circle. This intersection has a crossing guard which ensures the safety of students, families and the community.
Walkers/bikers coming from the south of our school should cross the staff parking lot (staff are present to assist), follow the sidewalk to the back of the building and enter door #8.
Walkers/bikers coming from the north of our school should follow the sidewalk to the back of the building (for bikers) and enter door #8 or enter the building at door #10 (walkers).
Walkers/bikers coming from the west of our school (using the back path) should enter at door #8.
All walkers/bikers are dismissed out the back either at door #8 or door #9.
Bikers must WALK bikes while on school property at arrival and dismissal.
Bike racks are located in the back of the school for our students. Bike locks are recommended.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why did we receive a number when our child will be riding the bus to school?
Every family received a unique CAR number in case a family decides to pick up their child through the circle drive. If you do not have a number on display, you will not be allowed to enter the circle drive.
What if I want to carpool with friends or neighbors?
If a family decides to carpool with another White Eagle family, please notify the office of the arrangement. The youngest member of the carpool’s number should be used. All members of the carpool will have the same number. This number will be used every day for dismissal. Please email claire_hathorne@ipsd.org, caroly_waitt@ipsd.org AND the classroom teachers to make them aware of the carpool arrangement.
What if I decide to pick up my child in a different manner than what has been communicated with the school and teacher?
There may be many reasons for this transportation change, and we want to accommodate our families.
If a child rides the bus or goes to daycare on a regular day but parents will be picking up, please use your unique family CAR number to pick up through the circle drive.
If there is a change in the manner of dismissal, please call the office at 630-375-3600 AND email your child’s teacher BEFORE 3:00pm for us to honor this change. It is very important that you call the office and not just send an email to office staff or administration as we are not always able to check email frequently throughout the day.
Since we are given a unique CAR number, does that mean we cannot pick up our child in a different manner - walk, park and walk to the dismissal door, etc?
Families are allowed to choose if they will use the circle drive or not. If you choose to NOT use the circle drive for arrival/dismissal, you will need to park your car in an allowed spot and walk to the back of the building to pick up your child(ren). Please be aware of the NO PARKING signs on White Eagle Drive and Monarch Circle.
What happens if I forget my CAR number and CAR number sign?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to allow a vehicle into the circle drive without the CAR number on display on the passenger side window. If you know your number but forgot your sign, use a large piece of paper to write the number and display it on the passenger side window. Otherwise, you will be directed to the last call area of the car line.
How should I display our unique CAR number on the passenger side window?
Use the tent on your passenger side window.
What if our family needs more than two unique CAR number signs?
If you need more car signs, please send an email to carolyn_waitt@ipsd.org.