• Websites with Information on Bullying

    General bullying prevention websites:


    This bullying website is from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It provides a wealth of information for youth and parents and is very user and kid friendly. For students, it provides quick links that defines bullying, how to prevent bullying, games, and cartoon webisodes. For parents, some of the important quick links include; “how you can help,” “cyberbullying,” “tip sheets,” “the law on bullying,” and a list of resources.  
     Information on this website is available in English and Spanish!

    Cyber-bullying websites:

    Cyber-bullying refers to use of the internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.


    The Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides a wealth of information related to cyberbullying.  Information on the website defines cyberbullying, provides examples of what it is, differentiates cyberbullying from other forms of bullying, and highlights statistics related to prevalence.  The most common methods and locations of cyberbullying are provided as well as tips for both parents and educators.  Students accessing the website can learn more about what they can do to prevent or deal with cyberbullying through webisodes that play out different bullying scenarios.  There are additional resources listed at the bottom of the webpage for anyone seeking more information related to cyberbullying.   

    Information on this website is available in English and Spanish!